HD120 Budapest Recap

Harley Davidson celebrates their 120 year anniversary this year, and what better way to celebrate than taking over a sports arena and throwing a huge party in Budapest, Hungary.

The last weekend of June 2023 saw over 100,000 visitors a day attend Harley’s festival style celebration, for live music, food & drink, HD exhibitions, and over 300 shopping stalls and an exclusive Harley Owners Club paddock including a Pop Up Barbershop by Uppercut Deluxe.

UCDC member Tiphaine Aupy (of Tiphaine Le Barbier) flew in from the surf capital of France and was on the tools dishing out haircuts and beard trims alongside some of Hungary’s best barbers.

After a pretty scary storm rolling in the night before and wiping out a good chunk of the festival sight, the sun broke through for 4 hot sunny days and perfect riding conditions for people riding from all over Europe to attend the festival.

Thanks to Harley Davidson for the invite and to all the Hungarian crew who made this event possible!

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Photos by Tamas Kovacs

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